Let's Talk Testosterone

Let’s Talk Testosterone... By Dr. Donald W. Tice
Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women. It’s not just a “Male Hormone.” Testosterone performs many important functions in our bodies, such as decreasing body fat, maintaining memory, increasing bone density, increasing muscle tone and increasing energy levels. Deficiency in either men or women causes a variety of symptoms that many people would attribute to pre-mature aging such as anxiety, loss of ambition, fatigue, dry skin, decreased sex drive, and weight gain, especially around your mid-section.
Eliminate excess body fat; fat cells produce estrogen and aromatase enzymes that converts testosterone to estrogen (causing a decrease in testosterone).
Men and women can decrease body fat and increase muscle mass by following some of these tips:
1. Eat more quality proteins such as lean, hormone-free meats, fish, and eggs
2. Consume “good” fat like olive oil and grapeseed oil, flax seed oil or quality fish oil
3. Avoid environmental estrogens (which can decrease the amount of testosterone in the body). These include:
Drinking hot liquids out of plastic or Styrofoam cups
Microwaving foods or drinks in plastic or Styrofoam containers
Avoid products with paraben preservatives (mostly cosmetic products like lotions, and make-ups)
Quick Tip - Try using coconut oil as a moisturizer.
Testosterone is only a male hormone – women do not have testosterone.
FALSE! Women have about 5-10 times more testosterone than estrogen in their system and men have about 10-20 times more than that.
Women will become more masculine with testosterone therapy.
If the hormone therapy is properly dosed, they will get an improved lean muscle to fat ration and muscle will become more toned with workouts.
Testosterone causes “Roid Rage” and anger problems.
The hormone more responsible for “Roid Rage” is estrogen. The body can convert testosterone into estrogen (the hormone that causes PMS symptoms).